How global digital banking works – NEEBank

How global digital banking works – NEEBank

The Industrial Revolution 4.0 has changed the behavior, awareness and habits of people because technology is applied in all aspects of life. Digital transformation in the field of finance and banking has definitively also become an inevitable trend. That’s also a basic platform to make digital banks appear. To take advantage of the benefits of this useful trend, you need to understand what digital banking is and how it works.

What is digital banking?

Digital banking is a bank that carries out all the services and programs of a traditional bank digitally and online via the Internet or applications. A digital bank transaction will be made at any time and anywhere, no need to go to the office counter, wait for awkward procedures and the order number.

A typical digital bank can implement many of the following features:

With the desire to provide customers with more choices when addressing their financial needs, NEEBank – the global digital bank has officially been deployed and operated around the world.

how does global digital banking work

How Global Digital Banking work?

A digital bank is often associated with a high level of web-based process automation and services and may include APIs that allow multi-organization service components to provide banking products and offer transactions. It provides the ability for users to access financial data through desktop services, mobile devices and NEETM (in the form of ATMs).

In NEEBank, customers can access and use the below services after registering an account:

  • Manage a personal account by blockchain wallet
  • Services such as exchanging, transferring or international payment.
  • Pay the bill.
  • Loans.
  • Account Saving
  • Credit, debit card: NEECARD (Visa, MasterCard, etc.)
  • Financial products: Insurance, investment,
  • Blue Credit: offer a credit on ECOTOUCH – KYC customer accounts
  • Manage personal and business finance
  • Value-added services: Lottery, charitable donations, community advocacy, etc.

In addition to the Free service (first no fee bank in the world), NEEBank also has many competitive advantages in terms of savings rates, high deposits, attractive lending rates and no paperwork. sheets, blue credit services (NEECREDIT) are assessed and ranked automatically by the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) combining Internet of Things (IoT) and using Blockchain technology to store and operate.

Besides NEEBank’s main field of finance – investment, international money transfer – Remittance service (NEEX) is considered to be a strength that NEEBank provides to the market with many outstanding and simple utilities, easy to deploy and use for global customers.

NEEBank is opening  opportunities for all global partners from individuals, businesses, merchants to become BRANCH – AGENCY extremely simple but with many benefits.