Can Money 4.0 Revolutionise The Global Economy And Opened Market

Can Money 4.0 Revolutionise The Global Economy And Opened Market

The Money 4.0 revolutionise of 4.0 technology is considered the biggest lever; a decisive factor for the trend of using money from 3.0 to 4.0. As a result, the “Fintech” definition initially appears in economy terms; short for “Financial Technology” – Financial technology, towards financial solutions using technology.

Industrial Revolution 4.0 has been happening at a fast pace with breakthrough changes; affecting the socio-economic development of the global economy, including Vietnam. Financial – monetary technology is not out of the flow of technological revolution. The world has witnessed money 3.0 over time, and has been steadily replacing money 2.0.

Ex: in Sweden, 100% of commercial transactions have used 3.0 money as a means of payment completely.

how Money 4.0 revolutionise the global economy and opened market

Money 3.0 on the stock market

On stock exchanges, petrol, gold, silver, real estate, finance, investment, etc., Money 3.0 has been instrumental to stimulate economic growth and create thousands of billionaires with Money 3.0 on the stock market.

But the economic crisis following the global COVID 19 pandemic as a result of the crisis of inflation of 2.0 currencies injected into the market by governments to rescue the economy. This means that money 3.0 also loses value and directly affected.

How can Money 4.0 revolutionise the Stock Market?

Investors will need to find transparent, safer solutions for their assets in the future to avoid the same negative effects. Only Money 4.0 has the characteristics of publicity. Transparency; safety and helps to protect investor’s assets more stable during this economic crisis.

This is the opportunity for Money 4.0 revolutionise to rise. Over 10 years ago, the world hardly knew the value of Money 4.0 bring. It is today; the birth of Bitcoin and the others after also confirmed the price. Their exist value like ETH, XRP, PAYA,… The development of the free economy will be associated with Money 4.0 revolutionise; and will be the period to create many billionaires and millionaires in the next decade (2020-2030).