How to Secure Your Money 4.0 on a Mobile Device

How to Secure Your Money 4.0 on a Mobile Device

Mobile means convenience, accessibility, and comfort. You will agree that most people prefer doing things, including money 4.0 transactions using their mobile devices. It makes things a lot easier and faster than going to turn on a computer. Thanks to technology, we now have mobile and on-the-go devices that can perform as well as a computer.

Based on the above, it is not a surprise that more money 4.0 owners use their mobile devices more for their transactions.

So let’s go straight to the point; what are ways that can help you keep your money 4.0 safe on mobile?


Think of a money 4.0 wallet as your regular wallet or purse where you keep your money and small valuables, albeit, in this case, the wallet is a digital one where you store your digital currency for safekeeping. It can either be an app, a software program, or a hardware that holds your private and public keys (money 4.0).

As we already know, money 4.0 is a virtual currency that cannot be held physically; thus, when you purchase it, you either leave it in the exchange account or find a way to keep it safe.

Many people would usually go with the option of keeping their money 4.0 in their exchange account, but doing so, is becoming increasingly risky and unsafe. Exchange accounts are in the public domain and, as such vulnerable to cyberattacks and digital theft.

We’ll strongly advise that you move your money 4.0 to your wallet as soon as you make a purchase. Most money 4.0 wallets are compatible with mobile devices so that you won’t have a problem with convenience and accessibility.

Tips for using a mobile wallet

The first thing to note is that mobile wallets are not foolproof; although many are reasonably secured, you still have to be careful. Wallets are developed by other people you may not know and seemingly can’t trust. It’s best to read up reviews before deciding on which digital mobile wallet you’ll be using.

Use wallets that are compatible with different operating systems: some wallets can be very limiting without consideration for users with multiple devices or users who may want to change their device. Although this may be negligible, it’s always better to use wallets that can work across various and more popular operating systems (android, ios, window, etc.)

Be sure of the security framework and backup feature of the wallet: this is very important as your chosen wallet’s security framework determines the security of your money 4.0. Nobody wants to keep their money in a bank with security flaws. The same goes for money 4.0; your wallet Is your bank, so you should be particular about your service provider’s security.

Avoid wallets that would demand for your private keys. Giving out your private key is tantamount to giving up your money 4.0.

If you are not sure of your wallets’ security, then maintain only small amounts in there. No doubt, mobile wallets are more secure than exchange accounts, but they are not foolproof, as earlier said. Also, some mobile wallets may not be wholly trusted; hence you may need to just maintain a minimal amount of your money 4.0  there while you actively search for a more secure alternative.


The digital age came with a strong need to always have provisions for backups. Backups are important to prevent a total loss of data or assets stored online. Sometimes it is best to have multiple backups stored in different places; this is so that you can still have your assets in any event that one or more of your backups gets destroyed or compromised. It could be a backup of your passwords, transaction details, history, and even your wallet.

Most money 4.0 wallets provide a backup and restore option, which can be accessed from the wallet’s security section. Having your wallet backed-up ensures that you will always have access to your money 4.0 when needed. If you lost your login credentials under any circumstance, you could use the recover tab to access your digital money, and it will be automatically recovered into a new wallet.

If you are yet to do a backup for your wallet, now is the best time. Follow the process as directed in the wallet and take note of recovery questions and the answers you give. If there is a need to write down questions or codes depending on your wallet’s backup procedure, please do so.

Your backups can be stored on a well-secured cloud storage platform and can be accessed from any mobile device. You can also have backups on a USB stick or memory card. USB sticks are easily accessed with the most recent mobile phones using OTG cables.


The advent of technology and increasing patronage of internet-based transactions like money 4.0 has also occasioned an increase in cyberattacks hence the need to become more careful with your digital assets. Beyond mobile devices, some of the safety tips discussed in this article can also be applied for computer-based money 4.0 storage.